Author: Alejandro Serrano
Exploring Deneb in Power BI: A Game-Changer for Custom Visualizations
A few weeks ago, one of my customers requested a very specific type of visualization in their Power BI report. As Power BI users, we’re fortunate to have a rich gallery of visuals available (who doesn’t love the Fish Tank chart?), but every so often, we encounter a challenge that the default visuals just can’t…
Bulk PDF Report Generation in Power BI: Comparing Power Automate and Fabric Python Notebooks
One feature I’ve missed from my days working with SAP BusinessObjects is the ability to generate bulk, personalized reports seamlessly using its ‘Publications’ feature. This capability allowed us to process thousands of tailored reports efficiently by combining multiple documents: one for personalization and another containing the list of instances and parameters. The setup was straightforward,…
Power BI Monitoring: Activity Logs and Asset Management with Python and Fabric
For organizations, getting a clear view of platform resources and how they’re being used is key. This usually boils down to two main things: Visibility of Assets and Access: A simple way to see all the assets created on the platform and who (users or groups) has access to them. Usage Monitoring: Keeping an eye…
Monitoring slicer usage/selection in Power BI
One of my customers had a specific requirement to monitor the usage of a slicer in their reports for compliance purposes. Adding to the challenge, their data model was stored using Import Mode, making it impossible to directly monitor queries from the database. As of this writing, Power BI Audit Logs do not provide such…